Excursion 39 (The Coming of Night’s Dark Embrace)

In early October of every year, I travel to the tourist mecca of Cleveland, Ohio, to participate in a strategy tournament for a favorite game of mine.  As I did in 2013, in 2014 I took a meandering back-roads route to the Cleve.  This, time, however, I decided to leave in the late afternoon/early evening, to try to expand my horizons a little bit by taking some low-light photographs in the twilight hours.  My journey was thus something of an experiment.

I discovered that my camera, if one exposes the image long enough, can take a very dark twilight scene and make it seem much brighter.  That was the case with all of the images here.  I had anticipated working with a much darker set of images that I actually ended up having.  This wasn’t bad or good, just unexpected, and something I need to take into account in the future—I should take photographs of the same scene at different exposures to get a better sense of what exposure at the same ISO and aperture will produce what level of light.

Anyway, the eight images below (seven different images, but one processed in both color and black and white) are the photographs from this little experimental trip that I thought worth sharing.  It is a tiny little blog entry, so if you don’t like it, it is over quick. Continue reading